

[NeoGAF: "The Day Before" Developer Fntastic Shuts Down (Game released Dec 7th 2023)]

[Twitter.com: Fntastic @FntasticHQ]

Official statement. #fntastic #thedaybefore #propnight
Today, we announce the closure of Fntastic studio. Unfortunately, The Day Before has failed financially, and we lack the funds to continue. All income received is being used to pay off debts to our partners.

We invested all our efforts, resources, and man-hours into the development of The Day Before, which was our first huge game. We really wanted to release new patches to reveal the full potential of the game, but unfortunately, we don't have the funding to continue the work.

It's important to note that we didn't take any money from the public during the development of The Day Before; there were no pre-orders or crowdfunding campaigns. We worked tirelessly for five years, pouring our blood, sweat, and tears into the game.

At the moment, the future of The Day Before and Propnight is unknown, but the servers will remain operational.

We apologize if we didn't meet your expectations. We did everything within our power, but unfortunately, we miscalculated our capabilities. Creating games is an incredibly challenging endeavor.

We're grateful to everyone who supported us during these difficult years. It's been a fantastic journey over the past eight years:
2015: Opening of the studio
2017: Release of The Wild Eight
2018: Release of Dead Dozen
2018: Release of Radiant One
2021: Release of Propnight
2023: Release of The Day Before


 UE5をゲームエンジンに採用して雰囲気だけはそれっぽくした「The Day Before」をSteamで12/7に早期発売したFntastic、流石にゲームとして成立していないレベルだと評される不具合を連発してSteamでも他に類を見ない“圧倒的に不評”の評価を獲得した結果…自転車操業にも限界が来た物か、



 同スタジオは基本的にSteamのみで商売をしていたらしいのですが、過去の履歴にある「Dead Dozen」においても“赤字なので販売もサポートも止めます”と発表していた過去があったみたいですね。


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・PS5 1/19 The Last of Us Part II Remastered【早期購入特典】装弾数増加、工作サバイバルガイド(封入) 【CEROレーティング「Z」】