[(米)Yahoo Finance: Xbox Series X is the ‘most powerful next-gen console’ in the market: Microsoft EVP of Gaming](ムービー)
XSXについてMSのゲーム事業担当上級副社長(Phil Spencer氏のこと)に聞く、という記事ですね。
DAN HOWLEY: And you guys offer Xbox Game Pass with xCloud, or Project xCloud, your cloud gaming service. That's $14.99 a month. That's still in beta. But that seems to be where gamers and game companies want to go. So I guess when you look at something like that-- and Microsoft is, I mean, you know, you could say objectively it's been the most successful as far as getting this off the ground and not having issues with third-party publishers as much.
Where do you see then consoles like the Series X and series S down the line? Do you think once we get this cloud gaming going that we'll see another generation of hardware, or will it all be kind of a conduit for cloud gaming in the future?
PHIL SPENCER: Yeah, you know, we're about putting the player at the center. It's not about the device in the middle anymore, and you see that in every other form of media. My TV is with me wherever I go. My music is with me wherever I go. I'm in control of the experience, and I think gaming is going through that same transformation. Which is why, as you say, if you're a Game Pass subscriber, you can now play your great games on our Xbox console, on your PC, or now on your Android phone via streaming.
One subscription gives you access to your catalog and your community wherever you go, giving players real choice. In terms of future hardware, absolutely, I think we're going to see more console hardware down the road. Just like in-- in video, just like in music, it's not that streaming has cut off device innovation. I think we'll continue to see that, and that's absolutely what we're planning for.
先に書いた通りでミスリードしても仕方ないのですが、インタビュアーがXbox Game PassやProject xCloudを持ち上げて見せた上で、“ではゲーム遊び放題の契約サービスやクラウドストリーミングによるゲームサービスが始まった後、XSXやXSSの立場はどうなるのでしょうか、次世代機が出るのか、それとも全てがクラウドになる(結果ゲーム機としては発売されなくなる)のか?”と質問。
なのでこれがXbox Series [x]が今後もどんどん出てくることを意味している訳ではないと思います。

・PS5 11/12 Demon's Souls (Amazon)